Ethan Danahy

PhD Candidate
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tufts University


PhD Candidate in Electrical Engineering (expected May, 2007)
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Tufts University, Medford MA USA

Masters of Science in Computer Science (May, 2002)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Tufts University, Medford MA USA

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Minor in Multimedia Communications (May 2000)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, College of Engineering
Tufts University, Medford MA USA

Journal Publications

Sos S. Agaian, Ethan E. Danahy, and Karen A. Panetta, "Logical System Representation of Images and Removal of Impulse Noise," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part A: Systems and Humans, submitted July 2006.

Merredith Portsmore, Chris Rogers, Philip Lau, and Ethan Danahy. "Remote Sensing and Tele-robotics for Elementary and Middle School via the Internet," Computers in Education Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, April/June 2004. pg 72-75

Other Publications

Ethan E. Danahy, Karen A. Panetta, and Sos S. Agaian, "Detection of Edges in Images via Coordinate Logic Transforms," IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2007, submitted.

Ethan E. Danahy, Karen A. Panetta, and Sos S. Agaian, "Signal Compression via Coordinate Logic Transforms," SPIE Defense and Security Symposium: Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications 2007, submitted.

Ethan E. Danahy, Sos S. Agaian, and Karen A. Panetta, "Algorithms for the Resizing of Binary and Grayscale Images Using a Logical Transform," SPIE Electronic Imaging 2007, accepted for publication.

Ethan E. Danahy, Sos S. Agaian, and Karen A. Panetta, "Detecting Edges in Noisy Multimedia Environments," IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia 2006, accepted for publication.

Ethan E. Danahy, Sos S. Agaian, and Karen A. Panetta, "Directional edge detection using the logical transform for binary and grayscale images," SPIE Defense and Security Symposium: Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing for Military and Security Applications, vol. 6250, April 2006.

Ethan E. Danahy, Sos S. Agaian, and Karen A. Panetta, "Non-Linear Algorithms for Noise Removal from Medical Signals Using the Logical Transform," SPIE Optics and Photonics: Mathematical Methods in Pattern and Image Analysis, vol. 5916, August 2005.

Ethan E. Danahy, Sos S. Agaian, and Karen A. Panetta, "Filtering of Impulse Noise in Digital Signals Using Logical Transform," SPIE Defense and Security Symposium: Visual Information Processing XIV, vol. 5817, March 2005. pg 188-189

Merredith Portsmore, Chris Rogers, Philip Lau, and Ethan Danahy. "Remote Sensing and Tele-robotics for Elementary and Middle School via the Internet," ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, 2003.

Ethan Danahy and Steve Morrison, "Faster than Real-Time Machine Learning within High Fidelity Simulations," IEEE Simulation Symposium, April 2002.


Poster presentation on "Directional edge detection using the logical transform for binary and grayscale images," at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, April 2006.

Poster presentation on "Non-Linear Algorithms for Noise Removal from Medical Signals Using the Logical Transform," at the Tufts University Graduate Student Research Fair and Poster Session, October 2005.

Oral presentation on "Non-Linear Algorithms for Noise Removal from Medical Signals Using the Logical Transform," at the SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 2005.

Oral presentation on "Impulse Noise Removal from Medical Signals using the Logical Transform," at the Tufts University Graduate Student Council Research Symposium, April 2005.

Oral presentation on "Filtering of Impulse Noise in Digital Signals Using Logical Transform," at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, March 2005.

Poster presentation on "Digitally Filtering Impulse Noise from Signals with the Logical Transform," at the Tufts University Graduate Student Research Fair and Poster Session, October 2004.

Oral presentation on "Malicious ROBOLAB: How to Cheat," at the ROBOLAB Conference, August 2004.

Poster presentation on "Spectral Techniques for Fault Detection and Isolation within Digital Circuits," at the Tufts University Graduate Student Research Fair and Poster Session, October 2003.

Oral presentation on "Faster than Real-Time Machine Learning within High Fidelity Simulations" at the IEEE Computer Society 35th Annul Simulation Symposium, April 2002.

Oral presentation on "Faster than Real-Time Machine Learning within High Fidelity Simulations" at the Tufts University Computer Science Colloquium, 2002.

Oral presentation of "Computer Animated Short Film: The Adventures of EPROM," at the Tufts University Computer Science Colloquium, 2000.


Workshop on "Advanced Data Collection and Distributed Intelligence" at the Robolab Conference, August 2004.

Workshop on "Internet Server" at the Robolab Conference, August 2004.

Workshop (week long) on "Introduction to Robolab" at TEC Sri Lanka in Colombo, Sri Lanka, November 2003.

Workshop (week long) on "Robolab: Pilot, Inventor, and Investigator" at the Singapore Science Centre in Singapore, November 2002.

Workshops (various) on using Robolab in Adelaide/Melbourne/Canberra/Sydney Australia, August 2002.

Workshop on "Interactive webpages using ASP" for Tufts University Student ACM, 2002.


Recipient of the "2006 Graduate Student Research Award" from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts University, October 2006.

Co-recipient of the "2004 Outstanding Graduate Contributor to Engineering Education Award" from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Tufts University, May 2004.

3rd place, Tufts University Graduate Research Fair and Poster Session, October 2003

1st place, Tufts University Graduate Research Fair and Poster Session, October 2001


Professor for "Virtual Reality and Interactive Simulations Systems," a senior/grad student level course, for Tufts University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fall 2003.

Faculty advisor (representing Electrical Engineering) for the Tufts University Robotics Academy, 2003 to 2004.

Co-advisor for "Wireless Multiplexing of Audio/Visual Signals," a senior design project at Tufts University, Spring 2003.

Co-advisor for "STOMP: Interactive Exercise System," a senior design project at Tufts University, Spring 2003.

Teaching assistant for "Introduction to Digital Logic Circuits" at Tufts University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Spring 2003.

Teaching assistant for "Introduction to Electrical Engineering" at Tufts University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Fall 2002.

Teaching assistant for "Computer Processing of Images" at Tufts University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1997-2000.

Member Societies

Student member since 2003

Student member since 2003

Other projects

NASA Sensors project, January 2001 to September 2002

Contact: edanahy [at] ethandanahy [dot] com

Last Updated: September 2006
